Wet Ink: Purity Ring – “Push Pull”

1st Album Cover

Got something brand new for you guys. Yeah, you can send me messages about my lack of posting but WoD came out and I’ve been chest deep into getting ready for that. Gonna TRY to post, but I am as easily distracted by the internet as the rest of you.

But, that’s not why we’re here right now. Finally after so long, Purity Ring put out a new song. Push Pull. Here you go. No jump for today. See you next time.


S.o.O.L- N Luv


Hey, guys. I’m feeling a bit money hungry today. So, I felt that this would be a great song for today. It’s my soundtrack for this evening. This is the first song that I actually remember buying the CD for.

Real talk, I took this album to a party in my CD player, (I did awkward shit like take my own music to house parties just in case I didn’t like the music they were playing. I guess I’ve always had a knack for this.) And, It got jacked from me. That was a sad day. Fuck whoever did that. I’m still holding a grudge.

 Bump it with me.

Back when things were simple. Swishahouse was my first group that I really enjoyed.

“Been acting like this since last week.”